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Whitchurch Walkers Constitution

Revised and agreed by Committee 31st July 2012 and adopted at the AGM 19th March 2013


1.       Name

The Society shall be called the Whitchurch Walkers

 2.      Objects

 The objects of the Society shall be:

a. To preserve, maintain and defend the rights of the public to the use and enjoyment of footpaths, bridleways and other rights of way free from obstruction, nuisance and  annoyance.

b. To prevent the abuse of such rights and to encourage observance of the Country Code.

c. To co-operate with others in the furtherance of these objects.

 3.     Area of Benefit

The main, but not exclusive, focus of the Society’s activities will be the area of Whitchurch, Shropshire and its environs.

 4.      Membership

Subscription categories and rates shall be set by the Committee which will also have the right to expel a member for non-payment of their subscription or for undesirable conduct. Other organisations including local councils can become Associate Members. Every such affiliated body shall be entitled to nominate a representative to exercise all the rights of membership of the Society. The subscription of new members joining after 1st October  will cover the following year as well. Subscriptions are due at the Annual General Meeting at which only paid-up members may vote.

 5.      Officers and Management

a. The Officers of the Society shall be a Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.

b. The Society shall be managed by a Committee consisting of between 6 to 10 members including the Officers. This Committee shall be the sole authority for interpreting the rules of the Society. All members shall retire annually, but shall be eligible for re‑election at the Annual General Meeting.

c. The Committee will decide when and where it meets subject to a minimum of meeting in alternate months. Four members shall constitute a quorum. In any equality of votes the Chairman of the meeting shall have a second casting vote. The Committee may appoint sub-committees consisting of three or more members to deal with any part of its activities and may delegate to such sub-committee any of their powers or duties. Sub-committees shall report to the full Committee.

d. If a decision is required between committee meetings, the Chairman or Secretary may communicate with members of the Committee by email or letter and a decision made based on the responses received within a specified time, subject to the restrictions in the second and third sentences of paragraph [5c] above. The decision must be confirmed at the next committee meeting and minuted.

e. Committee and other members may take on specific areas of responsibility such as membership, publicity, webmaster, programme etc as agreed by the Committee and to which they are responsible.

f. The Committee shall have power to fill casual vacancies; also to co-opt additional members.

g. A special meeting of the Committee may be called by the Secretary on the request of the Chairman or of not less than 4 members of the Committee.

h. Any member of the Committee shall vacate his/her office if: [i] he/she gives notice of his/her intention to resign and his/her resignation is accepted.or [ii] he/she fails to attend three consecutive meetings of the Committee unless the failure to attend was due to some reason approved by the Committee.

i. The Society’s year shall begin on 1st March.

j. In furtherance of the Society’s objects the Committee shall hold maps showing as far as possible the public rights of way in the Society’s area; investigate and/or initiate complaints about rights of way; monitor planning applications for potential effects on rights of way; investigate and where necessary comment on or oppose proposals to divert or close rights of way; encourage local authorities to perform their duties as conservators of public rights of way; maintain third party insurance cover.

6       General Meetings

a. At all General Meetings, 12 members shall form a quorum.

b. An Annual General Meeting shall be held,normally in March and subject to a minimum 14 days notice, to conduct the following business:

i.      Receive report[s] from the Committee covering the period since the previous Annual General Meeting and to adopt the accounts for the previous calendar year.

ii.     Elect officers and committee members and appoint an independent examiner; nominations whether made before or at the meeting must have the agreement of the nominee, a proposer and seconder.  If an actual election is required it shall be by ballot; three tellers should be appointed by a show of hands at the time of the election.

iii.    Discuss and consider motions, notice of which shall have been given in writing to the Secretary before the meeting although the Chairman has the discretion to admit additional resolutions with the consent of the majority of members present.

c. A Special General Meeting may be called by the Chairman or the Secretary at any time, or within 28 days of receiving a request to do so, signed by a minimum of ten members, and giving reasons for the request. The minimum 14 days notice of the meeting shall include notification of the matters to be discussed and the terms of any motions which it is intended to move.

 13.   Dissolution

If, in the event of the dissolution of the Group, confirmed by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting at a General Meeting of the Group, there remains after the satisfaction of its debts and liabilities any property whatever,  this shall be transferred to some other group[s] with similar objects as shall be determined at the meeting agreeing to the dissolution.

 14.   Alterations to the Constitution

This constitution may be rescinded, supplemented, altered or suspended by a majority vote passed at a General Meeting . Members shall be informed of the proposal at least 14 days before the meeting.

 15.   Notice

The accidental omission to give notice of a meeting or the non-receipt of a notice of meeting by any member shall not invalidate any proceedings or resolutions at any meeting of the Group or any committee.

 This revision adopted by members of Whitchurch Walkers at their Annual General Meeting held on 19th March 2013 .

 Chairman: _______________________    Secretary: _______________________________


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